
Jack Binks and the Leiter Cup.


The day that Jack Binks realizes that by bringing in the winning run in a Leiter Cup game on Soldiers Field he will be doing something worth while and something that people will hear about on that day he will emerge from the lounge lizard class and court those gods whose presence is felt in the sunlight, the clean wind, and the smell of turf. Either this, or he must come forth on a halter of compulsion. Compulsory exercise may not be so beneficial as that in which students indulge because of their love of sport for itself or for the opportunities it gives of exercise in the open, but it is vastly better than nothing. Consider what army training did for our draft men. The bulk of them were scrawny enough when they entered Camp Upton. Their physique after a few months' training, as revealed in the parade in this city, was astounding. So it was in every camp; for after all, despite all belief to the contrary, the American nation was and is one of the least athletic in practice and instinct of any in the world. THE EVENING POST.
