

It is rare for a research worker of the first rank to be also a real teacher of his subject. It is even rarer for such a man to prove that he is not a mere cultured ornament of a practical world but a strong support in time of need. Professor Sabine was all three. Science remembers him for his studies in acoustics. The men of the University hold him dear for those hours in Jefferson when notes and books were forgotten as "sound ghosts" and electric discharges were made real by a man who had explored all their wonders and yet had a sympathetic interest in the misunderstandings of young undergraduates. The country honors and thanks him for the lives of many soldiers saved from German batteries, located by his sound stations.

His funeral takes place in Appleton Chapel at 1 o'clock this afternoon and it would be a fitting tribute if the men of the University who remember him as their guide through the fields of science and honor him for his services to the country would be present at the ceremony.
