

The government has embarked upon a new policy of securing officers for our army. The system of irregular training schools held only when conditions demanded has been replaced by a plan involving a series of camps, which will begin every month and which will largely depend, for enrolment, upon members of the S. A. T. C. The problem of officering our rapidly increasing military forces has long been a grave one; the extension of the draft ages has made it all the more serious. The new system offers a definite method of solving the problem, and as such deserves the strong support of the entire student body.

Great changes necessarily involve uncertainty and confusion. The remaking of Harvard as a war college has proved no exception to the rule. There has scarcely been a man who has not experienced great difficulty in both completing his plans and carrying them into execution. Harvard College has been revolutionized with the result that its Faculty and undergraduate body are paying in confusion, the price of the change. As the days progress, however, things are beginning to settle down into their natural channels. The machinery of the S. A. T. C. is beginning to run smoothly; the new plan has attained a practical and tangible basis.

In the following days and weeks, the S. A. T. C. will be on trial. Whether or not it meets the test depends squarely on the members of the Corps. Success can be realized only through the support of all its constituent parts; it is up to Harvard men, both new and old, to demonstrate that the University is adaptable to every change, and that it stands ready to successfully aid the government in any and all moves deemed necessary for the prosecution of the war.
