Enrolment in the Junior Company of the S. A. T. C. will continue throughout this week, and it is expected that before enlistments close there will be 200 in the Company; and not 300 as estimated in the first part of the week. Out of this number one company will be formed and barracked in Holworthy, Hollis, and Stoughton. It may be found impossible to house the entire company in these Yard dormitories, in which case the men will be placed in the near vicinity of their company barracks.
To Have Separate Instruction.
The organization of the Junior Students' Army Training Crops is authorized by the War Department. In fact officially, the Junior Corps ranks as a separate company attached to the University Army Post. The students are enrolled with the regular S. A. T. C. and are under the command of Colonel Williams. The actual instruction of the members of the company, however, will be distinct from that of the S. A. T. C. The students will be under different instructors, and during the fall, at least, will not train with the senior corps. Two officers of the Massachusetts State Guard, Captain W. H. Rand '88 and Major De Mille are now acting as instructors, and it is probable that two more officers from the same organization will soon be assigned to teach the students under 18 years of age. Major Joseph Warren '97 and Captain F. W. Rogers of the University R. O. T. C. of last year will also aid in the instruction, and Colonel Williams may detail an officer attached to the senior corps for part time instruction with the Junior Corps.
Military Schedule Planned.
As at present planned the military, schedule for the Junior Corps will be about as follows:
7.00--Breakfast at the Harvard Union.
8.00 to 8.20--Setting-Up Exercises.
8.20 to 9.20--Theoretical or Practical Military Work.
Thus the students in the Junior Company will be able to attend classes and recitations after 10 o'clock without uniform. The period from 8.20 to 9.20 o'clock will be devoted either to a lecture, section meeting, or drill. This military work will count as a half course for the bachelor degree by properly qualified students. The course is to run throughout the year.
Insignia for the Junior Company has not yet been determined. For uniforms, the University will issue the equipment used by the R. O. T. C. last year. The question of rifles for the company has not yet been settled, but it is expected that Krag-Jorgensens will be used.
The central office of the S. A. T. C. at Washington has not yet determined upon the plans for the induction of members of the Junior Company into the S. A. T. C. as they reach the age of 18. It is expected, however, that they will either be inducted immediately upon application after registration, when they reach the required age, or else will be inducted at the beginning of the following three months' term.
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