


Registration in the Naval Unit, whose establishment at the University has just been authorized by the Navy Department, took place yesterday. Exact figures as to the number who registered have not yet been issued by the College Office. Recruiting which was closed yesterday morning, will be opened again this morning at 9.30. Plans for the housing and instruction of the candidates are progressing rapidly and will be completed before the end of the week. Men should report at Weld 1 for registration in the Naval Unit; physical examinations and temporary assignment of quarters.

Lectures and recitations in all subjects will start tomorrow and Thursday. The Navy Department has approved a course of instruction which will require three years, but it may and probably will, withdraw men from the unit much earlier as the needs of the service require.

Commander John R. Brady, U. S. N., Recruiting Officer of the First Naval District, has been detailed here as Enrolling Officer and will be in charge of all enlistments. Ensign John G. Alley, formerly a member of Princeton University has been detailed as permanent commandant of the unit and will be in full charge of the instruction after the departure of Commander Brady.

Engineering students who are interested in the Naval Unit will be given today full information of opportunities offered in naval engineering by interviewing Ensign Andrews at Weld 1.

A man on being voluntarily inducted into the Naval Unit automatically becomes a seaman in the United States Navy and will be housed, fed and instructed at the expense of the Government. The term of enlistment is four years, but if peace is declared before the expiration of that time, men will be allowed to resign if they have had three months' active service. While a member of the Naval Unit a man will receive the pay of an enlisted man in the Navy.
