
Reserve Officers' Training Corps


All men who have failed to turn in their clothing and equipment at the Armory and bring the clothing slip to Military Headquarters in order to receive signed leave of absence or discharge as the case may be are hereby directed that this must be done before 5 P. M. today. By order of the Commandant.   S. N. DUNTON,   Acting Sergeant Major.

Notice Regarding Summer Camp:

All men intending to enter Harvard R. O. T. C. summer camp, who have already signed only the preliminary application blank, should call at Military Headquarters as soon as possible and complete final application blank.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.

Bayonet Instruction:


During the week of June 10-15th Lieut. J. S. Higgins will conduct a class in bayonet instruction with a view to developing assistant instructors for the Harvard R. O. T. C. summer camp. The class will be held daily at hours to be arranged.

Cadets wishing to take advantage of this opportunity will report in University B on Saturday, June 8, at 12 o'clock.

By order of the Commandant.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.
