
Harvard Casualties

Lieutenant William Noel Hewitt '14.

Lieutenant Hewitt of Enfield was killed on May 18 in an airplane accident on the western front. He enlisted in the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps a year ago today. In his Senior year in college he was leader of the Pierian Sodality, and after graduating received an M.A. degree in 1916.

Lieutenant William St. Agnes Stearns '17

Lieut. Stearns of Boston died in an accident while a member of the American Aviation Corps in France. In his last two years in college he was captain of the rifle team.

Henry Corliss Shaw '01.


H. C. Shaw of Cambridge was killed in a motor accident near Paris. He sailed for France as a Y. M. C. A. worker last March. After his graduation he studied at the Law School and later practised law.

The name of John Radford Abbot '14, included in the Memorial Society's Honor Roll as published yesterday, has been withdrawn from the list, as word was received yesterday from his father that he is still alive.
