

Showing the Public.

Securing teamwork in food saving is the great problem of the Food Administration. And the biggest difficulty of that problem is the suspicion of the public that savings effected by business concerns are not passed along to the consumer.

Frequenters of a hotel dining room discover portions greatly reduced, and immediately want to know why the prices are not reduced accordingly. In the same way, people carry home bundles from the stores and pay cash, but are not certain that their teamwork benefits anyone except the merchant.

There is a real misunderstanding here, and the real cause of this misunderstanding is guesswork and suspicion in the mind of the public. The business man must meet this misunderstanding frankly and a concrete explanation of the facts will eliminate the suspicions which have hindered the willingness of part of the public to co-operate.

Conservation may be put through more effectively along broader lines if the teamwork of the public is enlisted by a skillful explanation of the facts. Cornell Sun.
