"Marine officers' training camps will open about August first and December first at Quantico, Va. GEORGE BARNETT, Major General Commanding." Washington, D. C., May 8, 1918.
With the above announcement of dates of the officers' training camps for Marines, detailed information concerning this recently opened opportunity for commissions in this branch of the service has been received. Men between the ages of 20 and 35 years, who can show by certificate from the R. O. T. C. headquarters that they have completed the entire military instruction afforded at the University, will be eligible for commissions as first or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Men will enlist in the Marines before being sent to the training camps, and if they fail to qualify for commissions they will be returned to the service as non-commissioned officers and privates.
It has hitherto been customary to require five weeks' service as an enlisted man before a Marine is considered eligible for the officers' training camp. Men with a university training, however, will be required to appear before a selection board, which will have the choice of candidates for commissions in its hands. Such special action has been taken because of the extensive military training given at the University. Only those who obtain a certificate showing satisfactory completion of the military instruction given in the R. O. T. C. will be considered by the selection board as sufficiently prepared for the officers' training.
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