Harvard has opened the enrolment lists for its camp to students and graduates of all colleges and to seniors in high and preparatory schools who expect to enter college in the fall. Moreover, and of equal importance, complete news has come in of the "New England College Military Camp," which will be conducted this summer at Williamstown, Mass., under the auspices of Amherst, Clark, Dartmouth, Trinity, Tufts, Wesleyan and Williams. It will be open upon the same terms to students and graduates of these colleges, as also to men who intend to enter them next fall, with the passage of a suitable physical examination required. The training given at the Williams camp last summer was of very good quality. It will proceed again this year with Major General William A. Pew, M. N. G., retired, as its superintendent. General Pew showed a rather unusual ability to attract to his aid officers, including especially foreign officers, capable of giving competently modernized instruction, and it may be hoped that he will succeed in this effort again. Whether it be in the famous trenches at Fresh Pond, or in the trench system and wide manoeuvre fields available at Williamstown, here are opportunities in the coming summer which no college man should miss if he yet has hope of performing an officer's service. Boston Transcript
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