At last night's meeting of the Athletic Committee, the question of sports in the fall was discussed at considerable length, and, although no definite action can be taken until Dean Briggs has consulted with Deans Corwin and McClenahan of Yale and Princeton, the general attitude was in favor of some form of athletics. Dean Briggs made the following statement after the meeting:
"If there are enough men in college to play I see no reason why football and other sports in some form should not be played during the fall. The summer may bring new and unforeseen obstacles, however, and it is not possible to plan far in advance for sports in war time."
Captain F. W. Moore '93 said it was impossible to plan a definite schedule for football until the program for military work is announced. It seems certain that there will be a ruling that no men not in the R. O. T. C. shall take part in athletics next year. Dean Briggs plans to meet the representatives of Yale and Princeton later in the week and some definite understanding in regard to the attitude of the three colleges towards football will be reached.
The committee took action on the question of the athletic status of men who are taking the early finals. They agreed that these men should be eligible for all contests until they actually leave College. All candidates for the June undergraduate camp will be permitted to play until the camp opens, unless they leave Cambridge for intensive training. All men who do remain in College to play athletics, however, are expected to attend all their classes.
The committee expressed satisfaction with the present athletic program as carried on by the University and said they expected all the teams to finish out their schedules in spite of the heavy losses they have suffered.
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