Forget the University quota; forget your city's quota; forget your state's quota; remember only the national quota. At the time of going to press the indications are that there is yet a margin between the nation's subscription to the Liberty Loan and the minimum quota demanded by the national government. That margin must be made up, whether by North or South, East or West. It will be little help to America's cause that Harvard University, or the State of Massachusetts, or the First Federal Reserve District exceed or double their allotments if the Berlin and Munich and Cologne newspapers are able to print next week that the American nation as a whole, the richest nation on the face of the earth, has failed financially to support its war. If you can raise the money out of your current savings or by the sale of your unnecessary personal belongings or earn or save it before the instalment payments come due, help raise and exceed the national quota by buying another Liberty Bond today. Your last chance to subscribe ends tonight.
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