The wealth of the United States is greater than the combined wealth of Great Britain, France and Germany. The national debt of Great Britain is 192 per cent of the estimated yearly income of the British people; the debt of Germany is 246 per cent of the German people's income; the debt of France is 333 per cent of the yearly income of the people of France. Our debt is 17 1-2 per cent of our national income. In other words, if France should devote the entire yearly income of its people to paying off its national debt, it would take more than three years to do it. If we should do the same, we could pay our national debt off in a little more than two months.
Shall we hesitate over a mere three billion dollar loan, one-thirteenth of our annual income?
The Third Liberty Loan is lagging.
Faced with these figures, how can we let it lag?
With the sound of the enemy's murderous guns almost reverberating across the water, how can we let it lag?
With a realization of all that is at stake for us, for humanity, for the world, how can we let it lag?
Shall we fall short of the standard our allies have set? Shall we do less than they?--NEW YORK INDEPENDENT.
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