The CRIMSON publishes in another column today a communication from President Lowell in which he presents the viewpoint of the Faculty, urging men under 20 years and nine months of age to continue their college education. The sentiments therein expressed are not only President Lowell's but those of other wise and influential men, and as such merit the most careful consideration of every undergraduate.
This letter was called forth by the editorial in yesterday's issue of the CRIMSON which expressed the feeling that there might be many "exceptions to those who must remain." Certain sentiments expressed in this editorial were, it appears, inadvised.
There was no intention on the part of the CRIMSON to advocate a general exodus of men under age from college. Such an attitude would be preposterous and absurd. To modify our position and put it in a more concrete form, we wanted to make the point that in these times three years of college are sufficient for any man, and, as a possible corollary, that every undergraduate should, attempt to complete his academic course in that time so as to be prepared to serve the sooner.
We may have been rash and impetuous in opposing our feelings to the well-considered opinions of President Lowell, President Wilson, General Wood, other prominent men. We may have been foolish to try to set the eager spirit of youth against the mature judgment of those who are in a position to know what is right. But with this same enthusiasm we do feel that after three years of college, during which time he will surely obtain the very best it can offer him, the average undergraduate should answer the call. It is the greatest call the world has ever known; and maybe it will be the exuberance of youth that will bring the final victory.
But with the weight of the advice of the biggest men in the country against us, it would be futile to persist. As President Lowell says, we are soldiers, "and the soldier does not select his duty."
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