
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

May 28, 1918.

General Order No.24:

1. On Thursday, May 30, the Regiment will form under belts and side arms only, at 11.55 A. M. in front of Hollis and Stoughton Halls, facing the Yard, the right resting east of Harvard Hall, with the band on the right.

2. Each battalion will be formed as separate company, under a Captain and First Sergeant designated on May 28th by Battalion Commander.

3. After the escorted guests have entered the theatre, the companies and the band will then enter the theatre where seats have been reserved for them.


By order of the Commandant.   P. W. LONG,   Captain and Adjutant.

Regimental Orders:

List of men recently selected for Plattsburg R. O. T. C. Camp has been posted at Headquarters. These cadets are directed to call at the Military Office as early as practicable, sign the necessary agreement, and receive copies of the instructions.   May 28, 1918.


1. Twelve volunteers are wanted to act as an escort at the Pageant to be given in Brookline on the afternoon of May 31.

2. Machines will call for these men at 2.15 at Military Headquarters.

3. Men who are willing to volunteer are asked to leave their names at Headquarters with S. N. Dunton.

By order of the Commandant.   S. N. DUNTON,   Acting Sergeant-Major.
