
Advocate Elects for 1918-19

The Advocate has announced the election of the following officers for next year: President, Malcolm Cowley '19, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Secretary, James Gore King '20, of New York, N. Y.; and Treasurer, Samuel Hanson Ordway, Jr., '19, of New York, N. Y. The Advocate has also elected to the literary board Elisha Whittlesey '18, of Pittsfield; Joseph Auslander '18, of Brookline, N. Y.; Ira Jewell Williams '20, of Chestnut Hill, Pa,; Stoddard Benham Colby '21, of New York, N. Y.; and Frederick Allen Thompson '21 of Washington, D. C.; and to the business board, Charles Burton Gulick '21, of Cambridge, and Roy Edward Larsen '21, of Brookline.
