At a meeting of the Student Council last evening the following nominating committee was appointed for the year 1918-19: R. McA. Lloyd '19, chairman; J. S. Baker '19, A. H. Bright '19, R. S. Emmet '19, E. A. Hill '19, J. Otis '20, F. Workum '20 and H. H. Faxon '21, ex-officio, as president of the Freshman class.
At the same time, F. Parkman '19 was appointed to perform the duties of president of the Junior class at the Class Day ceremonies in the absence of C. Canfield '19, W. R. Odell '19 and R. E. Gross '19, respectively president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer of the class of 1919, all of whom have left College to enter the fourth officers' training camp.
Action was also taken by the Council on the matter of awarding numerals to certain Freshman teams. It was decided to award insignia to those members of the 1921 swimming team who competed against Yale as follows: J. H. Eaton, N. R. Knox, A. Levy, E. C. Mott-Smith, F. S. Stranahan, E. R. Sumner, P. Tishman and H. W. Toepke. It was also voted to award numerals to those members of the Freshman tennis team who compete against Yale 1921 in the dual contest next Saturday.
The appointments of Freshman managers in baseball, crew and track were ratified.
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