

When the R. O. T. C. performed before Colonel Azan two days ago, an opportunity was offered the corps to redeem itself for the wretched showing before Colonel Applin a week before. During the week, we had benefited from the fervent practice of the manual which had been the rule, and we felt that there was general improvement. Accordingly, we waited with some measure of confidence for Colonel Azan's judgment.

This morning comes a statement from Colonel Azan, which contains more for us than the mere opinion which we expected. He is satisfied, indeed, and pleased with the work of the corps; but more important than this, he makes an announcement of exceptional interest to all of us who are going to the R. O. T. C. summer camp. He declares in his own words that he "expects to work there with Lieutenant Morize." Colonel Azan is known to us all as the leader of the French Military Mission to the University last year, and as the author of a much-studied treatise on present war tactics, if not through the more personal contact of the lecture hall or drill field. And since he is so well known to us, we are fully aware of the fact that he is an officer with a keen military mind, and an excellent grasp of the means and methods of modern warfare. We have seen but little of him this year, but we have heard often of the work which he and his associates have accomplished at Devens. In fact there is not one member of the R. O. T. C. who cannot appreciate what his assistance at the summer camp will mean, especially in the application of theory to practice. On Tuesday Colonel Azan found that the R. O. T. C. possessed enthusiasm, good will, and the spirit of discipline." Let him but find the men who attend the summer camp imbued with the same spirit, and he and Lieutenant Morize will be able to work wonders during the coming weeks of training.
