With a total collection of $655 for the first two days of the Red Cross drive, a greater effort will be necessary from the University to enable it to present a large total subscription to the Second War Fund by the end of the week. At this rate the end of the drive will find the University total at less than $2,000. Although no quota has been set, it is hoped that a much greater sum will be given.
The University campaign will continue today with meetings of two of the committees to formulate plans for the remainder of the week. Team 3, captained by J. C. Bolton '20, will meet in the CRIMSON Building at 1 o'clock at which time all members of this team will be expected to report upon their canvassing. Team 2, led by E. A. McCouch '20, will also meet in Randolph 35 at 8.30 tonight. All members of this committee are to have full reports of their work to date, together with the cash collected.
A large and interesting display of Red Cross posters at the Cambridge Trust Company is still attracting considerable attention. These posters, most of them by well-known illustrators, depict the various phases of Red Cross relief activities in a very striking manner. In addition, the posters show the immense needs of this organization for the carrying on of its relief measures in France and in this country.
At a meeting in Boston yesterday Eliot Wadsworth '98, vice-chairman of the National Red Cross, spoke as follows;
"The Red Cross in Europe and America; the Red Cross in its work with the wounded, the sick, the refugees, the children; the Red Cross in the hearts and homes of the people of America, is playing its part with the great unified Allied army standing there on the western front against the Kaiser, and Hindenburg and the Huns. The message I bring to you from Europe is this: 'In a million different ways the Red Cross is helping in the winning of this war.'"
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