Plans for the dance to take place in Smith Halls on the evening of the Freshman jubilee Wednesday, May 29, were made public last night by T. S. Lamont '21, chairman of the committee. Both the Common Room and the Dining Room will be used for dancing and two separate orchestras under the leadership or Herbert W. Lowe of Boston will play throughout the evening.
It was announced last night that one ticket admitting to the exercises in the quadrangle and the dance later on would be necessary for each member of the class, as well as one for each guest. As the sale of tickets has been proceeding most satisfactorily, it will be necessary for all men who have not yet bought theirs to obtain them soon. Freshmen may invite as many outside guests as they please, but no upperclassmen will be allowed, with the exception of a small number of guests of honor, chosen by the ticket committee.
Arrangements have been completed whereby several rooms in George Smith Hall will be reserved for ladies, as will the various proctors' rooms. No plans have been made for boxes, and the dance program will be entirely informal, although it is expected that a number of men will combine in making out impromptu dance orders. It is the present plan of the committee to limit cutting in as much as possible, except during the encores.
The festivities will begin at 1 o'clock, after which time it will be necessary to present a ticket for admission to Smith Halls quadrangle. The main part of the afternoon will be occupied with private spreads in the various dormitories, the program proper beginning at 5 o'clock. The complete order of exercises is as follows:
1.00 P. M.-Jubilee opens.
5.00.-Concert in Smith Halls Common Room.
6.00.-Spread in quadrangle.
7.30.-Interdormitory singing contests in quadrangle.
9.00-2.00 A. M.-Dancing in Common Room and Dining Room.
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