Weakened by the temporary absence from the game of four of its regular members, the University nine was defeated yesterday afternoon by Portland Naval Reserve by a score of 3 to 0. The Crimson aggregation outhit the visitors but was unable to connect in pinches. Only one earned run was scored during the contest, the other two being pushed across when the University left fielder failed to catch an easy fly and then threw over Gammack's head in an attempt to catch the runner at the plate.
Derning, on the mound for Portland, was invincible with men on bases, and struck out 16 Crimson batters. The University nine was unable to make good use of its five hits and six passes by reason of poor base running and failure to hit in the crucial moment. Twice players were caught off base by the pitcher. Peirson, who, with Gammack formed the University battery, held Portland to four safeties and might have scored a shut-out except for poor support. Wolverton, who replaced Captain Gross at shortstop, played an excellent game in the infield, accepting six chances without error. A double play, Hallo-well to Bright to Johnson, was a feature of the day's play. Dickson at second base made a very pretty catch of Burn's fly in right field in the first inning.
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