The whole question of athletics next year is one of interest to the undergraduates and one which will have to be settled sometime in the near future. The resumption of Varsity football in the fall particularly interests us. Will there be room for it with the military course disrupting to a very large extent the ordinary trend of undergraduate life? The answer to this lies in the hands of those on whose shoulders rests the responsibility of determining military work, for it it obviously out of the question even to consider football if the men who take the military training will not be eligible to participate in athletics as members of Princeton teams:
It is pretty generally realized now that the dropping of intercollegiate athletics last spring was a mistake--a mistake resulting from the hysteria and enthusiasm which invariably accompanies the outbreak of war. Without some form of clean, wholesome amusement the morale of undergraduate existence is dulled and deadened, and football is one of the chief sources from which spring the most desirable and beneficial ideals of competitive sport. --Daily Princetonian
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