

Ensign School Will Train Two Classes at Once This Summer.

Arrangements are now under way to double the size of the First Naval Cadet School at the University, beginning during the summer months. The following statement has been given out by Lieutenant Commander Charles B. Lundy, U. S. N., commandant of the school:

"In all probability the next class at the Cadet School will start with 180 cadets and, if arrangements can be made, a second class will be started August 15, so that there will be two classes in the school at one time. As one of the entrance requirements to the school is two months' active service, the second class will make it possible for men finishing college in June to take their preliminary training after graduation."

According to present plans, the second class will include as many candidates as the first, and the Cadet School will continue throughout the year to have two classes in session at the same time. Men will be graduated every two months, and the total number of ensigns turned out each year will be about 1,000. At present, the Cadet School is commissioning only about 450 a year.

President Lowell will make a number of recommendations from the University for the special school which opens in August, and these men will have an advantage, although they will also go through the regular two months of training as second class seamen, including work at Bumpkin Island and the Wakefield Rifle Range. Candidates will enlist immediately after their final examinations.
