Twelve men have been selected to take the special training in grenades and bayonet work which will begin Monday at Camp Devens. They will stay at the cantonment until the end of May. One half of this quota will specialize in the grenade instruction, which is to be given by Lieutenant Mallet of the French Military Mission, and the other men will concentrate upon bayonet exercises under Captain Goodday, of the British Mission. All of the men will receive training in the Hebert system of physical training. The corps will pay for their subsistence, since they are in reality members of the University R. O. T. C. on detached duty.
Those who will be sent to Camp Devens for the special work are: C. P. Anderson '21, P. R. Corcoran '20, N. L. Harris '19, J. Holmes, Jr., '21, A. L. Mills, Jr., '21, R. J. Philips '21, R. Pierce '19, J. R. Quarles 1G, J. G. Remick '21, A. W. Rhodes '21, M. A. Rogers '19, and D. C. White '20. They will wear their R. O. T. C. uniforms and insignia of rank held in the corps.
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