

Candidates Will Speak Five Minutes on Swiss Military Question.

Preliminary trials for the 1921 debating team will begin tomorrow evening and will continue on Wednesday evening, the team being picked after final trials on Friday night for men who are retained from the preliminaries. All the trials, both preliminary and final, will be held in Harvard 6 at 7.45 o'clock, but men who have Military Science lectures at that hour will be permitted to report late. Each candidate will speak for five minutes on either side of the question: "Resolved, That the United States should adopt a system of military service modeled after that of Switzerland." Members of the University debating team will act as judges.

Tomorrow evening, also, the competition for Freshman manager will begin, when candidates from 1921 should report in the Standish Hall Common Room at 8.30. Candidacy for the team will not prevent a man from competing for the managership as well. The competition will be a short one, lasting till just before the triangular debate scheduled for May 17, but which may be held as early as May 10. The manager chosen will make the trip to Princeton with the team.
