The end of the third week of crew work on the river sees still more shifts in the seating of the upper University boats. C. F. Batchelder '20 is now at two in the first crew, having displaced G. C. Noyes '20, who is now in Batchelder's place at four in B crew. D. L. Withington '20, formerly at four in the first shell, has changed about with J. S. Coleman '19, formerly at six in the same eight. In the lower crew, J. F. Linder '19 and H. S. Chase '19 have exchanged seats also, the former now pulling seven and the latter five. The upper Freshman crews have been rowing without shifts.
Prepared at Groton.
John Nelson Borland, 2d, '21, of Bedford Hills, N. Y., has been appointed acting captain of the first Freshman eight, which he has been stroking regularly since the beginning of the season. Borland prepared at Groton, where he held a place on the first crew.
On account of the Liberty Loan parade the usual Saturday row for the upper University and Freshman crews will be omitted tomorrow.
The first University and first Freshman crews are now seated as follows:
University A.--Stroke, R. S. Emmet '19; 7, F. B. Whitman '19; 6, D. L. Withington '20; 5, F. Parkman '19; 4, J. S. Coleman '19; 3, A. Stevens '19; 2, C. F. Batchelder '20; bow, R. H. Bowen '20; cox., C. Reynders '20.
Freshman A.--Stroke, J. N. Borland, 2d; 7, S. Damon; 6, R. M. Sedgwick; 5, T. C. Denton; 4, D. H. Morris; 3, T. T. Pond; 2, M. E. Olmsted; bow, W. Davis; cox., E. L. Peirson.
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