This evening the Phillips Brooks House Association will hold its annual meeting and dinner at the Colonial Club at 6.30 o'clock. At that time the report of the various committees of the organization for the past year will be read, and the officers for the coming year will be inaugurated. All members of the University may attend.
The reports of the different branches and activities of the association will include that of Cass Canfield '19, president; G. A. Brownell '19, treasurer; and M. F. Chung '20, librarian; as well as those of the chairmen of the Christian Association, the St. Paul's Society, the Catholic Club, the Social Service Committee, the Chapel Committee, the Graduate Schools Society, the Law School Society, the Medical School Committee and that of the Y. M. C. A. Hut.
Will be Inaugurated.
The following officers for the coming year will be inaugurated at the dinner tonight: president, Richard Stockton Emmet '19, of South Salem, N. Y.; vice-president, John Gardner Coolidge, Jr., '20, of Boston; secretary, Eric Alan McCouch '20, of Philadelphia, Pa.; treasurer, Dexter Clarkson Hawkins '20, of New York City; librarian, Mon Fah Chung '20, of Honolulu, Hawaii.
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