


In spite of the fact that the University's drive in the Third Liberty Loan campaign officially ended on Saturday evening, returns were made yesterday at the office of the undergraduate committee amounting to a sum of $4,900. Of this total the Sophomores subscribed $2,600, while the Junior and Freshman classes handed in sums of $200 and $50 respectively. Contrary to the hopes of the Liberty Loan Committee, the class of 1918 did not add to its former purchases in an effort to fulfill its quota.

Yesterday's subscriptions bring, the total up to $58,800, and that of the entire University to a grand total of $109,200. Much credit is due the members of the Faculty and the Graduate Schools for the keen interest they have taken in assigning their subscriptions to the University quota, and the committee wishes to express its thanks to them for their hearty co-operation.

According to the latest available figures from Yale, the students at that University have purchased $33,400 worth of bonds in three weeks, a sum surpassed by the collection in the College during a fortnight's campaign. The Elis, however, overwhelmed the University in the grand totals, for, including their faculty, the employees, and a $100,000 subscription from the Yale Corporation, their total stands at $231,450, as compared with the University's subscription of $109,200.

Princeton had, up to the end of the past week, subscribed only $10,900 to the Loan. But this small figure was due in great part to the fact that their formal drive begins this week, as well as to the small number of men now enrolled in that university.

Subscriptions to the Third Loan will be received at the Loan office in the CRIMSON Building today and throughout the rest of the campaign
