

Elective System Will be Explained in Gov. 1 Meeting Tomorrow.

President Lowell will explain in full the requirements for the choice of courses for next year at the regular lecture in Government 1 in the New Lecture Hall tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Professor G. H. Edgell, chairman of the committee on the Choice of Electives, and Dr. T. W. Richards, Erving Professor of Chemistry, will also address the class.

In order that men may understand clearly the manner of electing courses for both concentration and distribution, all members of the class of 1921 who have no other college engagements at the hour set will be required to attend. All upperclassmen enrolled in Government 1 will be excused from attending the course tomorrow, as no regular lecture will be given.

It is required of every Freshman in the College that on or before May 1 he file a card, approved by his faculty adviser and outlining his curriculum for the remaining three years of his work in Cambridge. It is also necessary for him to elect three of his four Sophomore courses at the same time, but this obligation is not binding and courses may be changed any time up to Wednesday, September 24, 1918.
