

A Parisian journalist who has been right in the thick of it since the war started is bound to be interesting. The French press has had no small part to play in this great conflict. Upon it has the government depended to a large extent for informing the French people what was going on, and yet keeping up their spirit and resolution. As may be expected, this was a difficult task, for with German hordes pouring in upon them, with a horrible and thorough war being fought on their territory, the French people could not be salved into determination by honeyed words alone. It required straight from the shoulder talk, with logic always in evidence. This French papers have supplied. They have been unsparing in their criticism, they have been at all times independent, but they have always been sure that there was but one course for France--Never Give Up Against Germany.

Among the more important papers in Paris is the Matin whose policy through four years of war has been admirable. Its editor, M. Stephane Joseph Vincent Lauzanne, will speak in the New Lecture Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. M. Lauzanne is likewise an officer in the Legion of Honor. He is a man of reputation in his country, and that country now sends him to us to tell us something of France's story, her present situation, and her hopes. We have all read to a certain extent, but reading is tame sport compared to hearing. Tonight we have a man who knows and who has the personality to impart what he knows with great effect.
