This afternoon the First Battalion on the University R. O. T. C. will go the Wakefield to hold its record target practice on the Naval Reserve rifle range a Camp Plunkett. The four companies composed of officers and non-commissioned officers, together with all members of Military Science 1, will assembly on Cambridge street, facing east, at 3.30 o'clock in such position that the head of the battalion will rest opposite the Fogg Museum. The men will remain a Wakefield until Sunday afternoon, when they will march back to the University.
Upon assembling this afternoon the troops will take trolley cars to the North Station, where they will entrain at 4.17 o'clock for Wakefield Centre. Arrived at their destination, the battalion will march to the range, a distance of two miles.
Friday evening will be devoted to a short lecture on riflery, in which the details of the work planned for the following day will be explained by an officer of the Army. "Commence firing" will be ordered tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock, and from that time on interest will centre about the firing points. Instruction practice will be held tomorrow morning. Shooting for record will begin in the afternoon, and will continue on Sunday.
Shoot From Different Positions.
A special course in practice fire and record work has been arranged with a view to affording the greatest variety of practice possible in the short time allowed. Five shots each will be fired from 200, 300 and 500 yards in kneeling, sitting and prone positions, respectively, during the preliminary practice.
Tentage and mess equipment will be furnished by the naval authorities at the range, while cots and blankets are to be sent out from the regimental supply room. All men who make the trip will wear blouses and campaign hats, and will carry extra kits rolled in their ponchos.
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Schedule of Special Final Exams.