

Our First War Year.


One year ago our Army consisted of 9,524 officers and 202,510 enlisted men; it now numbers 123,800 officers, and 1,529,000 enlisted men. Several hundred thousand of these are now in Europe taking part in the greatest battle in history. Our Ordnance Department is now spending about $13,000,000 a day, which is just about the amount it annually expended in peace times. Our production of rifles is now 11,550 a week, against 2,500 a wek in September, 1917. To feed our Army 3,000 cattle must be slaughtered every morning.


Our Navy, including the Marine Corps, consisted on April 6, 1917, of 83,738 officers and men; it now numbers 352,752 officers and men. For months our way vessels have been patrolling the ocean routes and have accounted for many submarines and convoyed thousands of ships carrying men and supplies to Europe.

A year ago there were building or authorized for our Navy 123 vessels: and then hundreds of submarine chasers and other small-type vessels and a number of destroyers have been completed, and contracts are now existing for more than 900 vessels. We have the greatest wireless service in the world, stretching from Alaska to Panama and to Hawaii and the Philippines.--TREASURY DEPT., BUREAU OF PUBLICITY.
