

Have Moved Triangular Contest Ahead to May 10.--Will Pick Two Teams From Squad of Ten Men.

The subject for the 1921 triangular debate with Yale and Princeton was announced last night by the University Debating Council. As tentatively phrased it is: "Resolved, That, constitutionality granted, the Government should conscript labor for war industries." Yale, according to previous agreement, may change the wording but not the substance of the subject as it stands. The question as finally amended will be announced Thursday.

At the request of the Yale debating management the date of the contest has been advanced to May 10. It had originally been scheduled for a week later, but both the University and Princeton having agreed to the change, definite arrangements for holding the debate on the earlier date have been made. As first planned, the University will send an affirmative team to Princeton, and with its negative trio will oppose Yale in Cambridge.

As a result of the preliminary trials held just before the recess, the following ten Freshmen were selected for the squad from which two teams of three men each will finally be picked: H. Albert, L. M. Block, M. J. Donner, R. B. Hamblett, W. S. Holbrook, Jr., M. A. Kallis, J. D. Segal, B. I. Sperling, H. Starr, C. H. Whelden, Jr.
