

For the first time in the history of the war, its campaigns have narrowed down to a duel between two solid units, each commanded by a single man. The Germans no longer have the advantage of having their opponents partially separated; General Foch has all the resources of all the armies ready at his hand.

Foch is a worthy antagonist of the great conqueror of the Masurian Lakes. His quick, decisive thrusts like his famous flanking attack on the Marne, are a match for the ponderous strokes of Hindenburg. His reserve army rushed swiftly into place at the Yser, saved the Channel ports. Though Foch is noted chiefly for his boldness and speed and striking personal appeal, his policy is always sound: Joffre has called him the greatest strategist in Europe.

When Foch was first offered the command of the French Army he refused unless he could have control of the entire front. He could have chosen no better way to hasten the single Allied Command, that has now given to him and the armies of the Allies their great opportunity to crush the hitherto invincible Hindenburg.
