

The provisional order of final examinations in all courses under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences has been announced. Daily exercises in all courses will end on Tuesday, May 28, and examinations will continue through June 15. All the tests will extend over the regular three-hour period, and unless announced for 2 or 7 P. M., will begin at 9.15 A. M. The list of examinations follow:

Wednesday, May 29, (XV).

Economics 18b. History 55.

Education 3c. Semitic 2.

Engin. Sci. 3b. Slavic 3b.


Fine Arts 1a. French 2.

Greek 3 hf. History 22

Greek 7 hf.

7 P. M.

Military Sci. 2

Friday, May 31 (XII).

Anthropology 2 History 14

Astronomy 2a History 56

Chemistry 8 Hist. of Science 3

Chemistry 15 Italian 1

Class. Archael. 1b Italian 10

Economics A Mathematics C II

Economics 4b Mathematics 10b

English 41 Mathematics 17

French 1, I, II Music 5

German 8 Philosophy 9

Government 4 Spanish 8

Greek B II Zoology 7c

History 7

Saturday, June 1 (XIV).

Chemistry 22. Latin E hf.

Chemistry 25. Latin 3 hf.

Economics 3 Latin 7 hf.

Economics 34 Music 1.

Engin. Sciences 3. Slavic 2b.

Government 23.

Monday, June 3. (III).

Anthropology 5. Philosophy B.

Botany 7. Philosophy 19

Chemistry 11. English 2.

Education B. French 9.

Class. Philol. 44 History 17b.

Economics 7b French 12

Economics 31 Greek B I

Latin 1. German B

Latin 6. German 1a II.

German 15. German 2b.

Government 8. Government 5b.

Mathematics 13 Semitic A5

Mathematics 4 Semitic E 1

Meteorology 1 Social Ethics 7

Mineralogy 2 Zoology 5b

Music 6

Navy Course 1.

7 P. M.

Military Sci. 1.

Tuesday, June 4. (VIII).

Celtic 2 History 44

Chemistry 10 Mathematics 14a

German A2 P. M.

French A

Wednesday, June 5. (V).

Anthropology 13 Geology 10

Astronomy 2b German 2a

Chemistry 6 German 26b

Class. Philol. 23 Greek A

Comp. Lit. 17 hf. History 2b

Education 1 History 23b

Education 7 History 30b

Engin. Sciences 8 Hist. of Religions 7

English 52 Mathematics 5b

Fine Arts 3a Music 3

French 11 hf. Philosophy 6b

French 17 Physics B

Geology 5 Semitic 17

Thursday, June 6. (XIII).

Chemistry 7 Hist. of Science 2b

Comp. Lit. 8 Latin B III

Comp. Lit. 11 Latin 10

English 35b Mathematics 22

Fine Arts 5a Philosophy 14b

French 1 III, IV, V Physics C

Government 13 Physics 1

Government 17 Physics 3

Greek G Slavic 1b

Greek 12

Friday, June 7. (II).

Anthropology 1 Geology 8

Chemistry 17 German 1a I

Class. Philol. 49 German 21

Economics 5b History 1

Economics 8 History 3b

Economics 13 Italian 2

English 1 Mathematics 2 II

English 44 Music 2

Fine Arts 1f Navy Course 4

Fine Arts 2c Physics 6b

Fine Arts 3b Semitic 8

Saturday, June 8. (XI).

Botany 1 Mathematics 3

English 28 Music 4

English 33 Navy Course 3b

French 6 Palaeontology 1

Government 14 Philosophy 4

Greek 2 Philosophy 23a

Greek 6 Physics 4a

Hist. of Science 1 Romance Philol. 3

Mathematics A I Social Ethics 1

Mathematics C I

Monday, June 10. (IV).

Anthropology 11 Government 31

Astronomy 1 History 9

Chemistry A History 24b

Chemistry 3 History 32b

Economics 1b Hist. of Religious 3

Engin. Sciences 7b Latin B I, II

English 3b Latin 8

English 11b Mathem. A II, III

English 37 Mathematics 2 I

Fine Arts 1d Meteorology 3

French 8 Philosophy 10

Geography 6 Semitic 12

German 1b Semitic 13

German 3 Social Ethics 6

German 5 Spanish 5

Tuesday, June 11. (I, IX).

Education 16a Physics 5

History 46 hf. Psychology 24

Meteorology 6 Semitic 18

Philosophy 13f Spanish 1

Wednesday, June 12. (X).

Botany 5a History 6

Chemistry 5 History 12b

Economics 2b History 36

Economics 32 Italian 3

Engin. Sciences 7a Mathematics 18

English 39 Music 1a

English 59 Navy Course 2

Fine Arts 2a Philosophy 18c

Fine Arts 2b Physics 4c
