


Following the participation of the Corps in the Liberty Loan parade in Boston on Saturday, a Liberty Loan campaign will be opened in the University next Monday, April 8, under the direction of R. McA. Lloyd '19. The drive will be conducted in connection with the national campaign which is to start on Saturday, April 6, the first anniversary of the entrance of the United States into the war. A committee of students has been appointed to carry on the drive and to solicit subscriptions throughout the University under the guidance of the manager of the campaign. The publicity department will be in the hands of R. Roelofs '19 and G. C. Barclay '19, and J. M. Mitchell '21 has been selected to take charge of the drive in the Freshman Dormitories.

The members of the committee will meet in the CRIMSON Sanctum this week at a time and date to be announced later to discuss the details for the drive, and at that time these men will be divided into sub-committees to cover various parts of the University.

In the second Liberty Loan campaign, which was carried on in the University last October by a series of teams of solicitors, a total of 348 men subscribed for bonds; and the amount collected reached the sum of $35,370. This drive will be carried out on a different plan, but it is expected that it will be even more successful than the last one.

The committee of men who will canvass for subscriptions to the third Liberty Loan is as follows:

1918.--J. W. Angell, C. Blum. H. A. Latour, E. P. Perkins, D. T. Schwartz, A. L. Whitman.


1919.--F. Adams, G. W. Allport, J. S. Baker, H. C. Batholomay, S. R. Dunham, C. P. Fuller, J. C. Hammond, C. R. Larrabee, G. A. Madigan, L. Richardson, C. N. Schmalz, M. A. Taylor, J. L. Tildsley, R. H. Wales, F. M. Warburg, L. H. Weil, C. F. Zukoski.

1920.--T. S. Abbott, B. H. B Damon, L. B. Evans, R. Fiske, Jr., T. H. Gammack, H. F. Gibbs, Jr., D. C. Hawkins, J. Otis, L. B. Sanderson, R. B. Williamson.

1921.--C. P. Anderson, F. M. Bacon, G. S. Baldwin, J. A. Borland, R. W. Buntin, J. C. Burchard, C. B Butterfield, W. S. Cummings, W. Davis. G. A. Darr, Q. Howe, C. Kelleher, H. P. Krogness, G. C. Lee. A. L. Mills, E. C. Mott-Smith, R. Peale, J. H. Robb, J. A. Sessions, J. B. Stoddard, L. B. Van Ingen and J. R. Quarles 1G.
