War has exacted from the ranks of University graduates and undergraduates a heavier toll during the past winter than it did throughout the first six months following the entrance of the United States into the European conflict. The University War Record Office announces that since October the list of casualties among the University's men engaged in active service contains 12 deaths, as compared with 10 in the months from April 6 through September and 36 before the declaration of war by the United States. This brings the losses of University men since August, 1914, to a total of 58.
Of the above number, 16 men were killed while in the French service, 15 met death under the British colors, 15 in the United States service, one while fighting for Germany, six when engaged in Red Cross or ambulance work, and seven as non-combatants outside of the service.
Additions to Honor Roll.
The names of those who have been added to the University's roll of honor since October, 1917, are: William H. Cheney '20, killed in an airplane accident in France, January 20, 1918, while a member of the Lafavette Escadrille. Edwin Sequin Couch, uC '16-17, accidentally killed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in February, 1918. William S. Ely '17, killed in an airplane accident in France, January 2, 1918. Richard C. Fairfield '21, killed while engaged in ambulance work in Italy, January 26, 1918. Ezra C. Fitch, Jr., '05, died of pneumonia, October 13, 1917, while a member of the Black Watch, Royal Righlanders, of the British Army. Frederick A. Forster '10, killed in accident at Oakdale, L. I., October 6, 1917, while in United States service. Augustus P. Gardner '96, died of pneumonia at Macon, Ga., on January 14, 1918, while a major of the 121st Infantry, U. S. A. William Hague '04, died of pneumonia in France, January, 1918, while a lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, A. E. F. Wainwright Merrill uC '16, died from wounds received in action in France, November 6, 1917. Phillips W. Page '09, drowned off coast of England, December 17, 1917, while an ensign in the U. S. N. R. F. Henry B. Palmer '10, died of pneumonia, November 13, 1917, while in the French Aviation Service. Philip C. Starr '14, killed in action, February, 1918, while a lieutenant in the Royal Engineers of the British Army
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