Tomorrow the University will have the chance to hear the Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of York. It is no small honor he is doing us by preaching here, as his schedule of public addresses is very limited. Already his appearances in New York and elsewhere have been attended by large crowds, and he has been received everywhere with the greatest enthusiasm.
The Archbishop's mission in this country is to help bind more firmly the ties of close relationship between the United States and Great Britain. Our sympathy for his country has been steadily growing; England could have chosen no better method of increasing it still further than by sending here a man who so eminently represents the best of her traditions. He has the confidence of the King and of the Government, and what he says can be taken as authoritative. In addition, he is a most excellent speaker.
The Archbishop of York's visit here is an event of historical importance. He is the first of the distinguished succession of Archbishops that date back to Cardinal Wolsey who has ever visited this country. Anyone who misses the chance of hearing a man so personally and officially important is losing one of the great educational advantages the University offers.
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