


Practical training for the University R. O. T. C. recommenced yesterday morning when companies I and K assembled on Soldiers Field for the first drill of the final half-year. For the present, the work will be confined to position and aiming drills, and bayonet exercises, but as the weather grows warmer, it will be varied with drill in close and extended order, together with calisthenics.

This week two companies are drilling each morning from 7.30 to 8.30 in the Stadium and the cage. Each spends half an hour in executing the bayonet exercises under the guidance of Captain Leslabay and his assistants, and the other half of the period is employed for practice in handling the rifles when aiming. The present schedule of drill for the regiment is as follows:

Monday.--Companies I and K.

Tuesday.--Companies L and M.

Wednesday.--Companies A and B.


Thursday.--Companies C and D.

Friday.--Companies E and F.

Saturday.--Companies G and H.

The special courses in Topography, Administration and Engineering will continue until the Easter recess, when final examinations will be held in these subjects. After the cessation of the courses, the amount of outdoor drill is to be appreciably increased, and but little theoretical work will be taken up outside the usual lecture courses for Military Science 1 and 2.

Col. Blake to Give Lecture.

On account of the inability of Brigadier General John A. Johnston to be present tonight, the military mass meeting, which was to have taken place immediately after Colonel Blake's lecture on "Small Arms Firing," has been postponed until a later date. The lecture itself, however, will be held this evening at 7 o'clock, as scheduled, and although it is meant for members of Military Science 1, men in the other course are invited to be present. Colonel Blake is planning to use several types of rifle in illustrating his talk. The weekly lecture by Lieutenant Morize before the advanced course will be held Thursday evening as usual in the New Lecture Hall.
