

Also Certain Dissertations and Theses; Prize Competitions Close.

With the first of April the time for handing in applications, dissertations and theses for many of the annual prize competitions and academic honors in the University comes to a close. On Monday all candidates for the Bowdoin Prizes, the Toppan Prize, the Harvard Menorah Society Prize and the Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize must hand in their manuscripts at the appointed places. It is also the last day on which compositions for the Francis Boott Prize and the George Arthur Knight Prize in Music may be submitted.

In addition to these entries for the prize competitions, April 1 is the final day for receiving the theses of candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in 1918 in the Divisions of Ancient Languages or Modern Languages, and of History, Government and Economics, as well as the last opportunity for men to hand in their applications for second-year honors.
