Easter services will be conducted in Appleton Chapel tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock by the Reverend G. A. Johnston Ross, Professor of Homiletics at the Union Theological Seminary, New York City. This will be the first time since January 21, last, that Appleton has been heated or used for University services. Officers of the University will enter at the north door of the Chapel and students at the south, unless accompanied by friends, when they will enter at the west door.
Owing to the change in time which will be made tonight throughout the country in accordance with the daylight-saving plan, services will be an hour earlier than usual tomorrow morning, although at 11 by the clock.
At 9.45 o'clock, before the Easter service, Dr. Ross will speak before the Christian Association.
The Reverend Johnston Ross has been a member of the University Board of Preachers since 1911. He has written several books, among them "The Universality of Jesus," which has been widely read. Since he became connected with the Union Theological Seminary in 1919 be has been college preacher at Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Bryn Mawr and Wellesley.
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