


Undergraduates who leave College after April 14 and prior to their final examinations will, under certain conditions, be given credit for their whole year's work, according to the ruling made by the College authorities at the last meeting of the Faculty of Arts and by the instructors. The Faculty vote follows:

Official Decision of Faculty.

"That for students under this Faculty who leave after April 14, 1918, and before their regular final examinations, to enter military or naval service, or any other forms of national service approved in individual cases by the respective Administrative Boards, the courses thus interrupted be credited as if they had been continued to the end of the year; provided that instructors, after applying whatever tests may seem to them expedient, shall return for such students grades representing their standing up to the time of their departure; or that if any considerable number of students shall be called to service at any one time, special final examinations shall be arranged for them."

Work as Usual For Others.

For all students other than those entering military and naval service the work of the University will go on as usual until the end of the academic year. The opinion expressed by the Faculty when corresponding action was taken last year will still hold good this year. It is, "That in the opinion of the Faculty, students who do not enter the military, naval, or ambulance service, or special training therefor, should continue their academic work until the close of the year."


The following interpretation was added:

"It will be in accordance with that vote, then, that the Administrative Boards will apply this year's decision, making rulings for men intending to take up shipbuilding, farm work or national work other than military or naval service. The special privilege of leaving early with full credit will not be given them unless in exceptional cases of students with special qualifications or special opportunities for entering some particular branch of work."
