

Crew Management to Curtail Expenses. Shells Being Fitted Out.

The "John Harvard" and the "Veritas," the two largest of the University's steam launches, will not be used on the Charles this season, except in the event of the first crew race with Yale taking place here. Owing to the comparatively small size of the crew squads, and the need for economizing in every particular, the University crew management has decided to use only the two motor launches. So far this season, Coach Haines has been following his crews regularly in the smaller of the two. The larger and faster boat is now being put in commission.

Three new shells which were secured by the University last spring, but, which on account of the abandonment of crew work were never put in the water are now being fitted up and rigged. One is a Ward sectional boat, which may not be used this season unless it is found, contrary to present plans, that the Yale shells cannot be satisfactory re-rigged to suit the University style of rowing. This would necessitate transporting a boat to New Haven, and, accordingly, the use of the Ward boat. Of the other two new shells one is also a regulation Ward while the other is one of the well-known Rough boats.
