In reference to the communication printed below, the CRIMSON wishes to submit the following figures. On the question of the Freshman editorial, three letters were received: one anonymous, which was immediately placed in the waste-basket; the second from a Freshman supporting the CRIMSON's attitude, which was not published because of some unpleasantness which followed. In this last instance, as has been stated, the CRIMSON may have become nettled too easily.
On the Advocate question the CRIMSON has received five letters: one condemning the Advocate from the four men who have signed the following communication, that letter being published on December 21; the second, an answer by a graduate to that letter, which was received the day the Christmas recess began and which was not published; the third from a graduate in New York, asking for some information, this letter being answered and nothing further heard; the fourth from a student in the Law School who advised the Advocate members to go to Podunk High School for contributions, the letter not being published; the fifth from a member of the Sophomore class, who was advised not to publish this letter in the hope that the difficulties between the contending parties could be mediated--the CRIMSON, however, never refused to print the letter.
In the case of the above letters which were not published, with one exception, nothing further was heard. The CRIMSON maintains its assertion that so far this year it has refused to print only one communication.
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