This week a nation-wide appeal is being made for contributions of books for war libraries for men in service at home and abroad. More than a million books will be required to supply camps, barracks, transports and hospitals with plenty of readable books. Fiction, biography, history, travel, poetry, and almost any form of literature will be welcome. Contributions will be supplemented by generous purchases, especially in scientific and technical lines.
With the hopes that the colleges will respond to the call eagerly, the Widener Library has arranged to receive donations of books during the coming week. They should be left in the Farnsworth Room, in the Lower Reading Room, or with the doorkeeper at the Massachusetts avenue entrance. They may also be left at the Phillips Brooks House or sent with the clothing collection which is being made this week.
Anyone who has more books than he can easily bring may notify Mr. Carney at the Widener Library, and they will be sent for.
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