


"The first thing that Smileage brings to my mind," said Major Henry Lee Higginson '55 in his address at the Smileage meeting yesterday, "is the old proverb, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.' A man in the army, without any source of decent amusement, is very liable to suffer from a loss of morale." Major Higginson then went on to tell of the need of entertainment that prevailed during the Civil War as compared with excellent conditions now being provided at the army and navy cantonments.

Professor George Pierce Baker '87, who presided at the meeting, first introduced Captain J. P. Brown '14. The latter had been detailed by the commanding general at Camp Devens to attend the meeting and do all in his power to aid the cause of Smileage, which has done a great deal of good for the men at Ayer. Captain Brown spoke on conditions at Devens, and told of the surprisingly small amount of entertainment to be found near the camp. "Enlisted men have their evenings off," said he. "But there is very little for them to do. Often there used to be but one moving picture show for an entire cantonment. Now, however, the Liberty Theatres are packed with happy, well-contented soldiers who have been afforded an opportunity to relax their minds and bodies from a hard day's work by watching high-class actors play in vaudeville, or successful plays of the day."

Since Richard Bennett was unable to speak at the meeting, Professor Baker took up the subject from the viewpoint of the stage in his stead.

Governor McCall was also unexpectedly called away, and his place was taken by the Secretary of State, A. P. Langtry, who apologized for the Governor's absence and said a few words for Smileage on behalf of the civil government.
