

In Emerson Hall at 4.30 Will Talk on His Experiences.

Lieutenant Pat O'Brien of the Royal Flying Corps will speak in Emerson D this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock under the auspices of the University Aeronautical Society. His talk, the subject of which has not been announced, will probably be on aviation, as well as on his remarkable experiences on the Western Front and in a German prison camp, from which he made his escape.

Lieutenant O'Brien, who fell 8,000 feet with his airplane into the German lines, was captured and held for some time in a German prison camp. The story of his escape, which was effected by jumping through a train window and working for 72 days towards the frontier, is perhaps the most extraordinary personal experience of the war.

Admission to the lecture this afternoon will be by ticket only, a limited number of which may be obtained any time today in Matthews 31.
