Arrangements for the Sophomore Smoker, which will take place in the Living Room of the Union tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, have been completed. The occasion, which is the first smoker of the year, has been arranged in order that the members of 1920 may have the opportunity to get together as a class before their ranks are thinned once more by the spring exodus to the army and navy.
Although the smoker will be held on an economical basis, the entertainment will be as complete as those held in past years. Speeches will be made by Arnold Horween '20, the class president, and Burnham Lewis '20, the secretary-treasurer. Moving pictures will also have their place in the evening's entertainment. Six reels of film will be shown. In place of the "Mutt and Jeff" cartoon which was originally announced as a part of the program, a comic picture will be shown. The feature film will be one in which Douglas Fairbanks stars. Music by members of the Sophomore class will also be a part of the program. Refreshments and cigarettes will be provided as usual.
Will be First of a Series.
Since the Student Council's decision in favor of class social functions on an economical scale for this year, the Freshmen have announced that plans for their first smoker are under consideration, and the members of 1919 have decided to hold the annual Junior Dance. Tomorrow evening, therefore, will mark the beginning of a series of informal and inexpensive social festivities in the University.
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