The question of the organization of discussion groups in the University will be brought before the student body at a mass meeting in the New Lecture Hall tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. Speeches will be made by President Lowell, Dean Yeomans and B. Preston Clark of the Plymouth Cordage Company, all of whom will show the parts to be played by the undergraduate of the present day in the great problems of reconstruction which must be faced by the militant nations after the war. Provided that the men of the University show sufficient interest in this project, the College authorities plan to organize a series of discussion groups under the guidance of various professor, to take up problems concerned with future conditions arising from the struggle in Europe.
Three Prominent Speakers.
President Lowell and Dean Yeomans will address the meeting from an academic to point of view. Their object will be to point out the relation between success in college today and ability to win out in the crises of tomorrow. Mr. Clark, on the other hand, will approach the subject from an industrial standpoint, and will state the business and manufacturing sides of the question. In his work with the Plymouth Cordage Company and several important mining properties in Mexico, he has had wide experience with very successful labor propositions, and is, therefore, highly qualified to represent the industrial world.
In order that the field of discussion may be as broad as possible, it is planned to place the groups under the supervision of professors from many different departments of the University, and each man will be allowed to enrol in a group under an instructor in whose particular field he is most interested. Meetings will be held by the groups at regular intervals and various topics will be brought up in each for consideration.
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