

Signs In the Skies.

Signs and portents are seen in the sky, on every side. At Windsor, Ontario, a vast sword-bearing angel has been observed near the zenith, resembling Joan of Arc. By this angel's side was also seen St. Michael, leading starry hosts to victory. Farther north and west than Windsor, the Chippewa Indians have seen their Thunder Bird, their holy and mystic eagle, in the skies, and he, too, was followed by countless sweeping hosts. And much nearer home, the Winged Victory was seen marching athwart the skies the other night, a flaming sword in her hand, and advancing in triumph from the western to the eastern horizon--betokening the overcoming of the Germans by the aid of America. Scarcely a day passes without the record of some warlike and victorious sign in the sky.

All of which proves that the psychology of man stretches up to the very heavens, and that the sun, the clouds, the striding aurora and the scintillating atmosphere interpret his inmost aspirations. We may smile at the awed Indian raising his arms in emotion as the Thunder Bird beckons to him from on high, and at the simple habitant crossing himself before the heavenly apparition of the Maid of Orleans and the martial St. Michael. But we cannot laugh at the emotion which has opened these peoples' eyes to the starry sign. It proves that the awful events which are in progress in the world have entered the hearts and minds of all men. It is a token that the world is aroused to the necessity of vast and concerted action. Perhaps it is also an indication of the universal yearning for strong leadership. In the wreck of the reputations of generals and statement, in the poverty of great and commanding names, the common people seek a supernatural leader. To their eyes the skies are not empty. Let us hope that there is something prophetic in their visions. In their very aspiration there is at least encouragement. --Boston Transcript.
